Friday, August 18, 2006

lessons learned

-there will always be something to be sad about and something to smile about.

-that committing to a relationship doesn't mean you will never be lonely.

-sometimes the best way to say goodbye is to not say it at all.

-the biggest sacrifice i make will not be a sacrifice unless i trust the one i am sacrificing to.

-i will never find everything i long for.

-that wisdom is something more when shown through an act of humility.

-there are many diseases, but it is what you do against that disease that will heal you.

-my experiences have brought me to the place i am now.

-i have learned i am at my best when i know i am loved.
Copyright [August 18, 2006] By: Tiffany Conner

Thursday, August 03, 2006

living a girl's nightmare

outburst of tears
pain in her head
leading her to this empty
white room
and hospital bed

needle in her arm
no feeling in her legs
she realizes her despair
as she colapses to the floor
and nobody is there to care

the pills numb her well
yet she falls
deep in thoughts
keeping her up at night
she wakes up as a zombie
providing the heart ache
to remain

the nightmare of being hospitalized
in the pain of
in the pain of being
young and alone

they are polite
but they don't know her enough
to offer any comfort
and all she can do is
dwell in this hellish state
mysteriously unknown

Copyright [August 3, 2006] By: Tiffany